The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a national association that supports Network members in their research, training, education, and service so that together, AUCD and Network members can promote the quality of life, health, and well-being of people with disabilities.

IDDRC Steering Committee

The PIs participate in a steering committee of the entire IDDRC network composed of IDDRC Directors, NIH program staff, and other relevant advisors. This committee holds monthly conference calls and an annual face-to-face meeting each year.  In addition, a group of trainees from across the 14 centers are invited to the annual meeting.

IDDRC Network Resource Inventory

Developed by Drs. Constantino and Bookheimer (UCLA), this inventory of scientific resources (data sets, biomaterials, study populations) available to IDD investigators via a web-login ( allows IDDRC Network investigators to search for patient populations, biomaterials collections (including animal/cellular models), and accessible research datasets that harbor genetic, phenotypic, and neuroimaging data in special populations of high relevance to IDD research.  Detailed descriptions of the resources are provided in the inventory to guide investigators on what is available.  There are over 400 resource entries currently in the inventory.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Working Group

An IDDRC iPSC models working group, co-led by Dr. Kristen Kroll, Director of the Cellular Models Unit of the Model Systems Core, was launched in 2018, meets monthly by web conference, and has the goal of calibrating methods, workflows, and publication standards for IDD research involving induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs), and disseminating guidelines to promote reproducibility of results in this newly developing field of research.

IDDRC Animal Behavior Working Group (ABWG): Rodent Gait Phenotyping

An arm of the Animal Behavior Working Group focused on rodent gait phenotyping, led by Dr. Susan Maloney of the Animal Behavior Subunit of the Model Systems Core, was launched summer 2022 and meets monthly by web conference, with the goal of standardizing methodologies, enhancing rigor and reproducibility, disseminating guidelines for IDD model gait research, and cultivating productive cross-IDDRC collaborations.

Special Issue of the Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorder

The IDDRC Network sponsors and develops an annual special issue of the Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders to publish original research and commentary on a singular theme that represents a major aspect of the discovery frontier in IDD science.