Diversity supplements are additional NIH funds awarded to mentors with existing grants to provide 1-2 years of full salary and expenses for supplies/travel to support individuals from historically marginalized groups.  The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) has developed a workgroup to increase diversity within its centers.  As part of this initiative, we support and encourage eligible members to apply for this funding mechanism.  The IDDRC@WUSTL can facilitate this process by: 1) helping to connect candidates and mentors, 2) offer guidance on writing supplements, 3) provide access to previously awarded applications, and 4) answer any questions related to this process. 

WHO IS ELIGIBLE:  Eligible candidates include individuals with disabilities, individuals from underrepresented ethnic groups, or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (see Powerpoint for more details).  Additional candidate requirements include: 1) must be a US citizen or permanent resident, 2) must not have received previous support from the parent grant, 3) must not be receiving any PHS funding at time of application. 

WHAT CAREER STAGES ARE SUPPORTED: Priority is given to three career stages: post-baccalaureate/post-masters (must intend to apply to graduate school), graduate students/health professional students, post-doctoral fellows.  NOTE: The NICHD is unlikely to fund other career stages but this may differ by institute.

WHAT GRANTS ARE ELIGIBLE: Most NIH grants are eligible but support cannot extend beyond the end date for the parent grant.  Specific requirements may differ depending on the funding institute and we highly recommend contacting the grant PO before submission. 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information, see this Powerpoint describing the process and eligibility requirements.  Interested candidates or mentors should contact:  

Kevin Noguchi, Ph.D.
IDDRC@WUSTL DEI Network Liaison